Principal, MDZTI/TPJ
MDZTI of today had a humble beginning way back in 1931 as a traffic training school. Later it was upgraded as Zonal Training School (ZTS) in 1962 subsequent to the formation of Southern Railway and it was rechristened as Zonal Training Centre (ZTC) in 1992 and as Zonal Railway Training Institute (ZRTI) in 2003.With effect from 14th June 2018 it is renamed as ‘Multi Disciplinary Zonal Training Institute’ with PCPO as the Administrative In-charge and COM(G) as the Training Manager. MDZTI/TPJ is one of the Premium Training institutions in IR, which has grown not only in the number of staff and fresh recruits trained but also in the variety of training programmes offered and the quality of training imparted. We sincerely acknowledge the contributions of all the former Principals, faculty and staff of this Prestigious Institution who have put their heart and soul for taking the Service to the Nation to greater heights. Now, MDZTI has embarked on the digital era in its long history, in tune with our Hon. Prime Minister's vision of Digital India. MDZTI/TPJ is now available both in Railnet as well as internet, where the course programme, results of examinations, list of toppers with their photographs, etc. are available. Space for comments/suggestions by visitors has been provided. Many articles are planned in line with Technological Developments.
All are welcome to join this futuristic bandwagon with your valuable suggestions and encouraging feedbacks. |